My 50th Birthday! 50 down 50 to go!

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Never move to a city with the nickname "THE COOL CITY"!!!

Oh my goodness are we ever going to have a summer here in Two Rivers, WI.... I'm beginning to wonder!!! My advice to anyone is that if you move to a city or town and you notice that the nickname of the town is "COOL CITY", it probably is.......COOL! I am ready for some warm weather and sunshine. I think it's coming but it's taken it's sweet time in getting here. Last night Jeff and I decided to walk uptown, I had to go back and get a sweat jacket! It looks nice outside but it's still COOL!!! They say it's because we're by the lake. I believe it. Another bad thing about the weather is that they say nice weather only lasts about 2 months! Why couldn't we have moved to Florida!!! I need my sunshine!!!

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